Roger Barlett
From 1970-74, Roger Bartlett served in the U.S. Air Force as an interpreter in southeast Asia. Now retired and living in Muskogee, Roger was active and loved to travel prior to needing dialysis three years ago. Having to go to treatment weekly and being homebound is a new experience for Roger. He relies on Veterans’ Ride Connect to get him to treatment and meet other transportation needs. “I can say without public transportation and a system where I can make one phone call and make sure I can get a ride, I’d be at a nursing home and that’s something I never want,” says Roger. “If I didn’t have the availability of public transportation, I couldn’t go to dialysis and if you don’t go to dialysis, you only have one alternative and that is to die.” Roger says that Veterans’ Ride Connect helps to maintain his quality of life. “I would encourage any veteran to make that call,” Roger says.
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